Styling the Chart

There are a number of properties, which control the appearance of the whole chart. These properties are top-level properties, which are not part of any object, such as PrimaryHeader for example.
One can easily control the background of the chart, the colors for the plotarea or the theme of the whole control. Below is a simple demonstration of some of the important properties:

<shield:ShieldChart ID="ShieldChart1" Width="100%" Height="400px" runat="server" 
    CssClass="chart" AnimationDuration="2000" AreaBackgroundColor="Green" AreaPaddingLeft="30px" BorderColor="Blue" ZoomMode="XY">
    <PrimaryHeader Text="Browsers Popularity amongst Users"></PrimaryHeader>
    <Legend BackgroundColor="Red" VerticalAlign="Top">
    <TooltipSettings CustomPointText="{point.collectionAlias}:{point.y}"></TooltipSettings>
    <SecondaryHeader Text="SecondaryHeader"></SecondaryHeader>
        <shield:ChartDonutSeries EnableValueXSorting="false" DataFieldY="Value" DataFieldX="Browser" CollectionAlias="Usage">
            <Settings EnablePointSelection="true"></Settings>