RangeSpline Chart
- Getting Started
- Setting Up ASP.NET Core MVC
- Accessibility
- Chart
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Design-time Support
- ItemTypes
- Chart Elements
- Chart Types
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Sparklines
- Donut Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Spline Chart
- SplineArea Chart
- RangeArea Chart
- RangeBar Chart
- RangeSpline Chart
- StepLine Chart
- StepArea Chart
- PolarLine Chart
- PolarArea Chart
- PolarBar Chart
- PolarSpline Chart
- PolarSplineArea Chart
- PolarScatter Chart
- Combining Chart Types
- Data Binding
- Exporting
- Localization
- Selection
- Zooming and Panning
- Appearance and Styling
- Server Side Events
- Client Events
- Supported Browsers
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- allowUTCFormatting
- applyAnimation
- axisX
- axisTickText
- axisType
- categoricalValues
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- axisY
- axisTickText
- axisType
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- backgroundColor
- borderColor
- borderRadius
- borderWidth
- chartAreaBackgroundColor
- chartAreaBackgroundImage
- chartAreaBorderColor
- chartAreaBorderWidth
- chartAreaPaddingBottom
- chartAreaPaddingLeft
- chartAreaPaddingRight
- chartAreaPaddingTop
- chartLegend
- dataSeries
- enableAutoFit
- events
- exportOptions
- height
- isInverted
- margin
- primaryHeader
- secondaryHeader
- seriesPalette
- seriesSettings
- area
- bar
- bubble
- donut
- line
- pie
- polararea
- polarbar
- polarline
- polarscatter
- polarspline
- polarsplinearea
- rangearea
- rangebar
- rangesplinearea
- scatter
- spline
- splinearea
- steparea
- stepline
- seriesType
- theme
- tooltipSettings
- width
- zoomMode
- Getting Started
- Events
- How-To
- Methods
- Styling
- Supported Browsers
- Barcode
- QR Code
- TagCloud
- TreeMap
- Grid
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- JavaScript
- Settings
- altRowTemplate
- altRows
- columnReorder
- columns
- dataSource
- detailCollapseCssClass
- detailCollapseText
- detailExpandCollapse
- detailExpandCssClass
- detailExpandText
- detailTemplate
- editing
- exportOptions
- filtering
- grouping
- height
- maxHeight
- noRecordsTemplate
- noRecordsText
- paging
- resizing
- rowHover
- rowTemplate
- scrolling
- selection
- showHeader
- sorting
- toolbar
- Events
- Properties
- Methods
- addRow
- cancelEditing
- clearSelection
- collapseRow
- dataItem
- deleteRow
- destroy
- editCell
- editRow
- expandRow
- exportCsv
- exportExcel
- exportPdf
- filter
- hideColumn
- insertRow
- isHidden
- isLocked
- lockColumn
- page
- pageSize
- refresh
- reorderColumn
- revertChanges
- saveChanges
- scrollTop
- select
- selectedRowIndices
- showColumn
- sort
- ungroup
- unlockColumn
- Settings
- Getting Started
- Autogenerated Editors
- Binding to Data
- Cancel User Iteraction
- Change Options Dynamically
- Columns
- Custom Editors
- Exporting
- Filtering
- Footer Total Aggregates
- Grouping
- Hierarchy
- Paging
- Scrolling
- Selection
- Sorting
- Templates
- Themes
- Validation
- Accordion
- AutoComplete
- Button
- Calendar
- CheckBox
- ColorPicker
- ComboBox
- ContextMenu
- DataSource
- DatePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Draggable
- DropDown
- Droppable
- Editor
- ListBox
- LoadingPanel
- MaskedTextBox
- Menu
- MonthYearPicker
- NumericTextBox
- Pager
- ProgressBar
- RadioButton
- Rating
- RecursiveDataSource
- Slider
- SplitButton
- Splitter
- Switch
- Tabs
- TextBox
- TimePicker
- Timeline
- Tooltip
- TreeView
- Upload
- Window
RangeSplineArea series type represents a variation of spline series, which instead of a line, uses spline area, and is not bound to start from the zero value on the y intercept. It is useful for representing continuous range data.
The chart from the image above is created with the following code:
<shield:ShieldChart ID="ShieldChart1" Width="580px" Height="400px" runat="server" OnTakeDataSource="ShieldChart1_TakeDataSource" CssClass="chart"> <PrimaryHeader Text="USD/EUR Low/High Values"></PrimaryHeader> <ExportOptions AllowExportToImage="false" AllowPrint="false" /> <TooltipSettings CustomPointText="Low Value: <b>{point.low}</b></br>High Value:<b>{point.high}</b>"> <AxixMarkers Enabled="true" Mode="X"/> </TooltipSettings> <Legend BorderWidth="1" Align="Center" VerticalAlign="Top"></Legend> <Axes> <shield:ChartAxisX AxisType="Datetime"></shield:ChartAxisX> <shield:ChartAxisY DrawWidth="1" PlotStripDashStyle="Dash"> <Title Text="Low/High Values"></Title> </shield:ChartAxisY> </Axes> <DataSeries> <shield:ChartRangeSplineAreaSeries DataFieldLow="low" DataFieldHigh="high" CollectionAlias="Series #1"> </shield:ChartRangeSplineAreaSeries> </DataSeries> </shield:ShieldChart>
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); (ShieldChart1.DataSeries[0] as Shield.Web.UI.ChartRangeSplineAreaSeries).DataStart = (decimal)(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds; (ShieldChart1.DataSeries[0] as Shield.Web.UI.ChartRangeSplineAreaSeries).DataStep = 24 * 3600 * 1000 * 10; } protected void ShieldChart1_TakeDataSource(object sender, Shield.Web.UI.ChartTakeDataSourceEventArgs e) { ShieldChart1.DataSource = new object[] { new { low = 0.75, high = 0.79}, new { low = 0.95, high = 1.03}, new { low = 0.70, high = 0.79}, new { low = 0.65, high = 0.70}, new { low = 0.5, high = 0.69}, new { low = 0.77, high = 0.89}, new { low = 0.79, high = 0.87}, new { low = 0.55, high = 0.89}, new { low = 0.65, high = 0.99} }; }
- When the chart is bound to collection of objects the X values are got by the field which name is set into the
property of theChartRangeSplineAreaSeries
. The low and high values are got by the fields which names are set into theDataFieldLow
. - The name that is shown in the legend is chosen via the
property of theChartRangeSplineAreaSeries
. - By default all X values are sorted in order rangesplinearea chart to be shown appropriately, however this behavior is controlled by the
property of theChartRangeSplineAreaSeries
. - The line type of the
can be changed by theSettings.SeriesDashStyle
property and it can be set as:Solid
, etc. DataStart
properties control the start value of the x axis and explicit value for the interval between a data series member values.- All points from the
are represented withChartSeriesItem
which belongs to theChartRangeSplineAreaSeries.Items
collection.- The
can be added declarative without data binding. - The data binding and declarative approach can be mixed. However in order declarative items to be appended to the items created from the datasource the
property need to be set to"true"
- The
- All setting related to
are contained into theChartRangeSplineAreaSeries.Settings
object.- The series color can be set via
property. - If the
is set to false the series is not added into the legend. - The animation of the series can be controlled by
properties. - Each point from the series can be selected if the
property is set to true. - All selected points can be customized by
object properties. - If the chart has more than one line series they can be ordered by the index set in
property. - Each series has related tooltip which can be customized via the
object. - Each point from the series can have related text, which appearance is controlled by
property. You can changeBackgroundColor
, andTextAngle
of the corresponding data point text.
- The series color can be set via