
This event is raised when the user zooms in or out in the chart.
Given that there is a single argument called "args" in the handler like this:

<shield:ShieldChart runat="server">
    <ClientEvents Zoom="zoom" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    function zoom(args) {
        // handle the event

Gives access to the following properties:
args.axisX[0].min -> the new min after the zoom operation
args.axisX[0].max -> the new max after the zoom operation
args.axisX[0].axis.min -> the original min value
args.axisX[0].axis.max -> the original max value
args.axisX[0].axis.type -> the type of the axis
args.axisY[0].min -> the new min after the zoom operation
args.axisY[0].max -> the new max after the zoom operation
args.axisY[0].axis.min -> the original min value
args.axisY[0].axis.max -> the original max value
args.axisY[0].axis.type -> the type of the axis