ASP.NET Chart Types

The ShieldChart has following chart types:

ChartSeriesItem - It is item used in Area, Bar, Line, Spline, SplineArea, and Scatter charts.
ChartRangeSeriesItem - It is used as item for RangeArea and RangeSplineArea charts.
ChartRangeBarSeriesItem - It is used in RangeBar chart.
ChartPieSeriesItem - Is is used in Pie or Donut charts.

All items has following common properties:
Color - Gets or set the color of the item.
BorderColor - Gets or set the color of the item's border.
BorderWidth - Gets or sets the border width of the item.
ValueX - Gets or sets the x value of the item.
DataItem - Gets or sets the data item to which the series item is bound. NOTE The DataItem property is available only during databinding.
ID - Gets or sets the ID of the series item.

Some items has specific properties which are not applicable to other chart items:


  • ValueY- Gets or sets the y value of the item.
  • Selected - Gets or sets a value, specifying whether the item is selected.


  • ValueLow - Gets or sets the low value of the item.
  • ValueHigh - Gets or sets the high value of the item.


  • Selected - Gets or sets a value, specifying whether the item is selected.
  • ValueLow - Gets or sets the low value of the item.
  • ValueHigh - Gets or sets the high value of the item.


  • ValueY- Gets or sets the y value of the item.
  • Sliced - Gets or sets a value, specifying whether the item is sliced.
  • Selected - Gets or sets a value, specifying whether the item is selected.