ASP.NET Chart Localization
- Getting Started
- Setting Up ASP.NET Core MVC
- Accessibility
- Chart
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Design-time Support
- ItemTypes
- Chart Elements
- Chart Types
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Sparklines
- Donut Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Spline Chart
- SplineArea Chart
- RangeArea Chart
- RangeBar Chart
- RangeSpline Chart
- StepLine Chart
- StepArea Chart
- PolarLine Chart
- PolarArea Chart
- PolarBar Chart
- PolarSpline Chart
- PolarSplineArea Chart
- PolarScatter Chart
- Combining Chart Types
- Data Binding
- Exporting
- Localization
- Selection
- Zooming and Panning
- Appearance and Styling
- Server Side Events
- Client Events
- Supported Browsers
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- allowUTCFormatting
- applyAnimation
- axisX
- axisTickText
- axisType
- categoricalValues
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- axisY
- axisTickText
- axisType
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- backgroundColor
- borderColor
- borderRadius
- borderWidth
- chartAreaBackgroundColor
- chartAreaBackgroundImage
- chartAreaBorderColor
- chartAreaBorderWidth
- chartAreaPaddingBottom
- chartAreaPaddingLeft
- chartAreaPaddingRight
- chartAreaPaddingTop
- chartLegend
- dataSeries
- enableAutoFit
- events
- exportOptions
- height
- isInverted
- margin
- primaryHeader
- secondaryHeader
- seriesPalette
- seriesSettings
- area
- bar
- bubble
- donut
- line
- pie
- polararea
- polarbar
- polarline
- polarscatter
- polarspline
- polarsplinearea
- rangearea
- rangebar
- rangesplinearea
- scatter
- spline
- splinearea
- steparea
- stepline
- seriesType
- theme
- tooltipSettings
- width
- zoomMode
- Getting Started
- Events
- How-To
- Methods
- Styling
- Supported Browsers
- Barcode
- QR Code
- TagCloud
- TreeMap
- Grid
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- JavaScript
- Settings
- altRowTemplate
- altRows
- columnReorder
- columns
- dataSource
- detailCollapseCssClass
- detailCollapseText
- detailExpandCollapse
- detailExpandCssClass
- detailExpandText
- detailTemplate
- editing
- exportOptions
- filtering
- grouping
- height
- maxHeight
- noRecordsTemplate
- noRecordsText
- paging
- resizing
- rowHover
- rowTemplate
- scrolling
- selection
- showHeader
- sorting
- toolbar
- Events
- Properties
- Methods
- addRow
- cancelEditing
- clearSelection
- collapseRow
- dataItem
- deleteRow
- destroy
- editCell
- editRow
- expandRow
- exportCsv
- exportExcel
- exportPdf
- filter
- hideColumn
- insertRow
- isHidden
- isLocked
- lockColumn
- page
- pageSize
- refresh
- reorderColumn
- revertChanges
- saveChanges
- scrollTop
- select
- selectedRowIndices
- showColumn
- sort
- ungroup
- unlockColumn
- Settings
- Getting Started
- Autogenerated Editors
- Binding to Data
- Cancel User Iteraction
- Change Options Dynamically
- Columns
- Custom Editors
- Exporting
- Filtering
- Footer Total Aggregates
- Grouping
- Hierarchy
- Paging
- Scrolling
- Selection
- Sorting
- Templates
- Themes
- Validation
- Accordion
- AutoComplete
- Button
- Calendar
- CheckBox
- ColorPicker
- ComboBox
- ContextMenu
- DataSource
- DatePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Draggable
- DropDown
- Droppable
- Editor
- ListBox
- LoadingPanel
- MaskedTextBox
- Menu
- MonthYearPicker
- NumericTextBox
- Pager
- ProgressBar
- RadioButton
- Rating
- RecursiveDataSource
- Slider
- SplitButton
- Splitter
- Switch
- Tabs
- TextBox
- TimePicker
- Timeline
- Tooltip
- TreeView
- Upload
- Window
To localize various chart labels specifically for your culture and to override the default localization settings you can load a specific culture from the Globalize javascript library as shown in the example below.
Note that the newest version of Globalize does not contain any culture data, so make sure to download the the bundle including the cultures from the link above.
<script type="text/javascript"> <script src="external/globalize/globalize.js" type="text/javascript">//</script> <script src="external/globalize/cultures/" type="text/javascript">//</script> Globalize.culture("de"); </script> <shield:ShieldChart ID="ShieldChart1" Width="100%" Height="400px" runat="server" OnTakeDataSource="ShieldChart1_TakeDataSource"> <PrimaryHeader Text="Internet usage statistics"></PrimaryHeader> <Axes> <shield:ChartAxisX AxisType="Datetime"></shield:ChartAxisX> <shield:ChartAxisY> <Title Text="Dollars per gallon"></Title> </shield:ChartAxisY> </Axes> <DataSeries> <shield:ChartBarSeries DataFieldY="Total" CollectionAlias="Price"> </shield:ChartBarSeries> </DataSeries> </shield:ShieldChart>
Note that you do not have to load any other files such as the Globalize core, because it is already included in the Chart bundle. This will cause all numbers, currencies and dates to be formatted and displayed in accordance with the specific culture.