
Specifies the filter function to use. Can be one of:

Function Aliases Description
eq equal, equals, == Filter items with path equal to value.
neq ne, doesnotequal, notequal, notequals, != Filter items with path not equal to value.
con contains Filter items with path containing value.
notcon doesnotcontain, notcontains Filter items with path not containing value.
starts startswith Filter items with path starting with value.
ends endswith Filter items with path ending with value.
gt greaterthan, > Filter items with path greater than value.
lt lessthan, < Filter items with path less than value.
gte greaterthanorequal, >= Filter items with path greater than or equal to value.
lte lessthanorequal, <= Filter items with path less than or equal to value.
isnull null Filter items with path equal to null or undefined.
notnull isnotnull Filter items with path not equal to null or undefined.