
Fired before any other events. Can be canceled.

If the e.cancel property is set to true, the corresponding command is cancelled, the action is stopped and no other event is fired.

The following arguments are always passed:

  • e.commandName - the name of the executing command
  • e.cancel - sets whether the command will be cancelled

The following parameters are passed depending on commands:

  • "expandButtonCreate" - fired just before the detail toggle (expand/collapse) button is created.
    • item - the corresponding data source item.
  • "exportExcel" - fired when export to excel is initialized
    • exportOptions - the exportOptions object containing the settings for this export. Can be overriden
  • "exportExcelRow" - fired when a row from the Grid is added to the list of rows exported to Excel
    • item - the corresponding data source item.
    • index - the zero-based index of the data source item.
    • row - the custom row options for the current row. Updates of this structure will affect the exported data.
  • "exportPdf" - fired when export to PDF is initialized
    • exportOptions - the exportOptions object containing the settings for this export. Can be overriden
  • "exportPdfRow" - fired when a row from the Grid is added to the list of rows to be exported to PDF
    • item - the corresponding data source item.
    • index - the zero-based index of the data source item.
    • row - the custom row options for the current row. Updates of this structure will affect the exported data.
  • "exportCsv" - fired when export to CSV is initialized
    • exportOptions - the exportOptions object containing the settings for this export. Can be overriden
  • "exportCsvRow" - fired when a row from the Grid is added to the list of rows to be exported to CSV
    • item - the corresponding data source item.
    • index - the zero-based index of the data source item.
    • row - the custom row options for the current row. Updates of this structure will affect the exported data.
  • "detailCreated"
    • detailCell - the corresponding detailed item’s cell.
    • item - the corresponding data source item.
  • "selectionChanged"
    • toBeSelected - a list of rows or cells which will be selected
    • viewIndices - a list of view indices of the selected rows
    • indices - a list of data indices of the selected rows.
    • "sort"
      • column - the column which will be sorted.
      • desc - whether the sort order is descending.
      • unsort - whether the column will be unsorted.
    • "columnReorder"
      • index - the old column index
      • newIndex - the new column index
      • cancel - a flag indicating if the operation should be cancelled. Set this to true to cancel the reordering.
    • "columnResize"
      • field - the column field
      • width - the new column width
      • cancel - a flag indicating if the operation should be cancelled. Set this to true to cancel the resizing.
    • "cancel" - fired when button from columns or toolbar with command name “cancel” is clicked.
      • rowIndex - the of the row from which cancel button is clicked.
      • cell - the cell which was in edit mode. Applicable when cell edit mode is enabled.
    • "edit" - fired when row or cell are about to be put in edit mode.
      • row - the row which is in edit mode
      • cell - cell which is in edit mode. Applicable when cell editing is enabled.
      • index - the zero-based index of the data item. Can be passed to the dataItem function to retrieve it.
    • "insert" - fired when button from the toolbar with command name “insert” is clicked and new row is added to the grid.
    • "save" - fired when save operation of the data source is performed.
    • "delete" - fired column’s button with command name “delete” is clicked.
      • rowIndex - the row index which will be deleted.
    • "groupsReorder" - fired when groups in header group item are reordered and the grid is regrouped.
      • index - the old group index.
      • newIndex - the new group index
    • "group" - fired when group is added to the grid
      • index - the new group index.
      • field - the field by which grid is grouped.
    • "ungroup" - fired when group is removed from the grid
      • field - the field by which grid is ungrouped.
        dataSource: {
            data: [
                { ID: 1, name: "name1" },
                { ID: 2, name: "name2" }
        columns: [
            { field: "ID" },
            { field: "name" }
        events: {
            command: function (e) {
            if (e.commandName == "selectionChanged") {
                // array with all elements which will be selected
                var toBeSelected = e.toBeSelected; 
                e.cancel = true;
            if (e.commandName == "dataBound") {
                e.cancel = true;
            if (e.commandName == "sort") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var column = e.column;
                var isDescending = e.desc;
                var isUnsort = e.unsort;
            if (e.commandName == "detailCreated") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var detailsCell  = e.detailCell;
                var item = e.item;
            if (e.commandName == "cancel") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
                var cell = e.cell;
            if (e.commandName == "edit") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var row = e.row;
                var cell = e.cell;
            if (e.commandName == "insert") {
                e.cancel = true;
            if (e.commandName == "save") {
                e.cancel = true;
            if (e.commandName == "edit") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
            if (e.commandName == "groupsReorder") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var newIndex = e.newIndex;
            if (e.commandName == "group") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var field = e.field;
            if (e.commandName == "ungroup") {
                e.cancel = true;
                var field = e.field;