
The template string which will be used for rendering the column group footer cell. The template can contain binding expression which will show an aggregate from the particular group in the datasource.
If not specified, the group footer cell will be empty. If no one column has such a template the group footer row will not be rendered.

    dataSource: {
        schema: {
            fields: {
                ProductID: { path: "ProductID", type: Number },
                UnitPrice: { path: "UnitPrice", type: Number },
                UnitsInStock: { path: "UnitsInStock", type: String },
                Discontinued: { path: "Discontinued", type: Boolean }
        data: products1,
        group: [
            { field: "ProductID", order: "asc", aggregate: [{ field: "ProductID", aggregate: "count", type: Number }, { field: "UnitPrice", aggregate: "count", type: Number }] },
            { field: "Discontinued", order: "asc", aggregate: [{ field: "ProductID", aggregate: "count", type: Number }] }
    grouping: {
        showGroupHeader: true,
        allowDragToGroup: true,
        message: "Drag a column header here to group by a column"
    columns: [
    { field: "ProductID", title: "ProductID", width: "330px", groupFooterTemplate: "Count: {count}" },
    { field: "UnitPrice", title: "Unit Price", format: "{0:c}", width: "230px", groupFooterTemplate: "Count: {count}" },
    { field: "UnitsInStock", title: "Units In Stock", width: "230px" },
    { field: "Discontinued", width: "230px", groupFooterTemplate: "Count: {count}" }