
Gets additional information about start and end idexes, total item count, current page and page counts. The default value is "{0} - {1} of {2} items": It depends on 5 parameters.

  • {0} - start item index
  • {1} - end item index
  • {2} - total items count
  • {3} - current page
  • {4} - pages count
$(document).ready(function () {
        dataSource: {
            data: gridData                 
        paging: {
            pageSize: 7,                    
            pageLinksCount: 12,
            messages: {
                infoBarTemplate: "From {0} to {1} items of a total of {2}"
        columns: [                                
        { field: "name", title: "Person Name" },
        { field: "age", title: "Person Age" },
        { field: "address", title: "Person Address" }              