jQuery Chart Series Settings

Series settings are groups of visual settings for each series type.
These are listed in the following topic.

You can have different settings for all series of a given type. For example:

seriesSettings: {
    area: {
        drawWidth: 5

will cause all series of type area to be drawn with a width of five pixels. This is very handy when styling all series of a given type. Hoever, there may be a scenario when one needs series of the same type to have different visual settings.

This can be done by setting the required properties in the dataSeries object. Essentially, any property which can be set in the "seriesSettings" object, can be set set in the "dataSeries" object, per series.

This is demonstrated in the code snippet below:

dataSeries: [
        collectionAlias: "series1",
        seriesType: "area",
        drawWidth: 5,
        drawColor: "red",
        data: [233, 123, 345, 34, 27]
        collectionAlias: "series1",
        seriesType: "area",
        drawWidth: 2,
        drawColor: "green",
        data: [12, 345, 12, 45, 123]