- Getting Started
- Setting Up ASP.NET Core MVC
- Accessibility
- Chart
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Design-time Support
- ItemTypes
- Chart Elements
- Chart Types
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Sparklines
- Donut Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Spline Chart
- SplineArea Chart
- RangeArea Chart
- RangeBar Chart
- RangeSpline Chart
- StepLine Chart
- StepArea Chart
- PolarLine Chart
- PolarArea Chart
- PolarBar Chart
- PolarSpline Chart
- PolarSplineArea Chart
- PolarScatter Chart
- Combining Chart Types
- Data Binding
- Exporting
- Localization
- Selection
- Zooming and Panning
- Appearance and Styling
- Server Side Events
- Client Events
- Supported Browsers
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- allowUTCFormatting
- applyAnimation
- axisX
- axisTickText
- axisType
- categoricalValues
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- axisY
- axisTickText
- axisType
- decimalTicks
- drawColor
- drawWidth
- endOffset
- fixedEnd
- inverseOrder
- max
- min
- minorPlotStripColor
- minorPlotStripDashStyle
- minorPlotStripWidth
- minorTicksColor
- minorTicksHeight
- minorTicksRepeat
- minorTicksWidth
- offset
- plotBands
- plotLines
- plotStripColor
- plotStripDashStyle
- plotStripWidth
- startOffset
- swapLocation
- ticksColor
- ticksHeight
- ticksPlacement
- ticksRepeat
- ticksWidth
- title
- backgroundColor
- borderColor
- borderRadius
- borderWidth
- chartAreaBackgroundColor
- chartAreaBackgroundImage
- chartAreaBorderColor
- chartAreaBorderWidth
- chartAreaPaddingBottom
- chartAreaPaddingLeft
- chartAreaPaddingRight
- chartAreaPaddingTop
- chartLegend
- dataSeries
- enableAutoFit
- events
- exportOptions
- height
- isInverted
- margin
- primaryHeader
- secondaryHeader
- seriesPalette
- seriesSettings
- area
- bar
- bubble
- donut
- line
- pie
- polararea
- polarbar
- polarline
- polarscatter
- polarspline
- polarsplinearea
- rangearea
- rangebar
- rangesplinearea
- scatter
- spline
- splinearea
- steparea
- stepline
- seriesType
- theme
- tooltipSettings
- width
- zoomMode
- Getting Started
- Events
- How-To
- Methods
- Styling
- Supported Browsers
- Barcode
- QR Code
- TagCloud
- TreeMap
- Grid
- ASP.NET Core
- JAVA Apache Wicket
- JavaScript
- Settings
- altRowTemplate
- altRows
- columnReorder
- columns
- dataSource
- detailCollapseCssClass
- detailCollapseText
- detailExpandCollapse
- detailExpandCssClass
- detailExpandText
- detailTemplate
- editing
- exportOptions
- filtering
- grouping
- height
- maxHeight
- noRecordsTemplate
- noRecordsText
- paging
- resizing
- rowHover
- rowTemplate
- scrolling
- selection
- showHeader
- sorting
- toolbar
- Events
- Properties
- Methods
- addRow
- cancelEditing
- clearSelection
- collapseRow
- dataItem
- deleteRow
- destroy
- editCell
- editRow
- expandRow
- exportCsv
- exportExcel
- exportPdf
- filter
- hideColumn
- insertRow
- isHidden
- isLocked
- lockColumn
- page
- pageSize
- refresh
- reorderColumn
- revertChanges
- saveChanges
- scrollTop
- select
- selectedRowIndices
- showColumn
- sort
- ungroup
- unlockColumn
- Settings
- Getting Started
- Autogenerated Editors
- Binding to Data
- Cancel User Iteraction
- Change Options Dynamically
- Columns
- Custom Editors
- Exporting
- Filtering
- Footer Total Aggregates
- Grouping
- Hierarchy
- Paging
- Scrolling
- Selection
- Sorting
- Templates
- Themes
- Validation
- Accordion
- AutoComplete
- Button
- Calendar
- CheckBox
- ColorPicker
- ComboBox
- ContextMenu
- DataSource
- DatePicker
- DateTimePicker
- Draggable
- DropDown
- Droppable
- Editor
- ListBox
- LoadingPanel
- MaskedTextBox
- Menu
- MonthYearPicker
- NumericTextBox
- Pager
- ProgressBar
- RadioButton
- Rating
- RecursiveDataSource
- Slider
- SplitButton
- Splitter
- Switch
- Tabs
- TextBox
- TimePicker
- Timeline
- Tooltip
- TreeView
- Upload
- Window
The content
method has two modes of operation.
1. If you call it without any arguments, it will return a String value, containing the html content of the window widget.
2. User can pass one or more parameters of type String or jQuery object to the method, it will make them an html content of the window widget.
These are demonstrated in the sample below:
<div id="window" /> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { var window = $("#window").shieldWindow({ title: "Window Title", content: { template: { body: "Hello" } } }).swidget(); //alert the html content of the window widget alert(window.content()); //change the html content of the window widget window.content('Hello World!'); //alert the new html content of the window widget alert(window.content()); }); </script>