UI Components for the Web

Shield UI is available for JavaScript and HTML5, which makes it available for all web-development projects.
Additionally, it is also available for popular server-side platforms like ASP.NET MVC and Apache Wicket for Java.


Easy widget setup in pure JavaScript, in any IDE. Use the freedom of client-side development.

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ASP.NET server controls with advanced data binding. Client or server data, declarative or programmatic binding - have it all in one place.

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ASP.NET MVC helper components for tight integration in MVC views. Model binding in a breeze. IntelliSense goodness to quickly get you started.

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ASP.NET Core HTML Helpers and Tag Helpers for rapid cross-platform development. Model binding support.

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Java Apache Wicket

A tidy open-source Java Apache Wicket suite for leveraging the JavaScript development and use of all Shield UI widgets.

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Benefits of Using Shield UI

Saving Development Time

Shield UI brings pre-built components with advanced features that you can integrate and use in your projects with no effort.

Popular Platform Support

The framework is available for any web-development environments and has server-side components for the popular enterprise platforms.

Relable and Durable

Our components have been thoroughly tested, validated against different user scenarios and continuously improved over the years.

Featuring 70+ Widgets and Utilities
Check the pricing section for information about purchasing options