Over 23 different chart types, which can handle any data visualization setup:
- Area
- Bar
- Line
- Scatter
- Bubble
- Pie
- Donut
- Rangearea
- Rangebar
- Rangesplinearea
- Sparkline
- Spline
- Splinearea
- Stepline
- Steparea
- Polarline
- Polararea
- Polarbar
- Polarspline
- Polarsplinearea
- Polarscatter
Combinational Charts
Combine more than one type of series to establish data correlations or meet specific project requirements.
Zooming and Scrolling
Zoom-in on specific points of interest on the graph with the mouse – a single property allows this out-of-the-box.
The control supports both single and multi-point selection.
Drill Down
Re-populate the control with data upon point selection to achieve a drill-down setup. Each selection displays more related information for the given data.
Multiple Axes
Enable more than one axis for the chart. Relate each data series with a separate y axis to achieve powerful data cohesion on a single graph.
Text formatting
Format the data on either axis or series with either a string expression or a custom function. Enjoy a great degree of flexibility.
Tooltip Formatting
Use the default tooltip for the control or craft your own. This can be done easily with just a single property to specify a string or a custom function to handle the formatting.
Exporting and Printing
Easily export the graph to an image or print it.
Client-side Events
Our charting control is built to facilitate client side interactions and notifications. Series and items highlighting keeps the user aware of the mouse context. Client side events offer a wide range of notifications for clicking items or series, as well as legend entries.