Shield UI for Apache Wicket

ShieldUI for JAVA Apache Wicket offers the same set of feature richness and fast performance as the JavaScript components, wrapped as a JAVA Apache Wicket control - Chart, Grid, Combo and Input components, Barcode Suite, QR Code and many more of the over 70 widget types.

Enjoy blazing setup speed and exceptional performance in the comfort of either NetBeans or Eclipse IDEs.

The Shield UI Apache Wicket chart for JAVA is a fast, feature-rich data visualization control. It offers over 20 different chart types and flexible API for additional customization.
More information on its features can be found here. You can also review our demos to see the control in action.

Java Apache Wicket Chart

The Shield UI one-dimensional barcode suite offers easy and intuitive barcode rendering and data encoding.
You can see all available barcode types here, or view their demos here.

Java Apache Wicket Barcodes

The Shield UI QR component is a two-dimensional qrcode library, which offers fast and intuitive encoding for the most popular barcode component on the web.
Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket QR Code

The Shield UI TagCloud component is used for a visual representation of text data having different weights, useful for quickly displaying the most prominent terms.

Its full specifications are available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket TagCloud

The Shield UI TreeMap is a data visualization control used for displaying hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles.

Its full specifications are available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket TreeMap

Whether you only want to render simple data, or present a custom template layout, Shield UI grid is the tool of choice. The Shield UI Grid is highly customizable and extremely fast.

For more information on how to get started with the component, visit this article. To see it in action, check out the demo pages.

Java Apache Wicket Grid

The Shield UI Accordion displays collapsible content panels to present information in a limited amount of space.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Accordion

The Shield UI AutoComplete control allows flexible text autocomplete features with intuitive api and fast rendering. Whether you want to implement stand-alone text-autocomplete functionality, or want to relate the selection to another control in a more advanced scenario, the Shield UI AutoComplete control can handle it easily.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket AutoComplete

The Shield UI Button widget extends a standard button element, by adding flexible api for events, customization and layout. A useful addition in a web project, either in a simple scenario or paired with some of the other Shield UI controls.

You can review its specification on this page and its demos here.

Java Apache Wicket Button

The Shield UI Calendar control is a fast, feature-rich JavaScript widget, which renders standard monthly views. Its intuitive API is combined with light footprint for optimal performance. Its architecture allows easy customizations of the appearance, as well as a reliable localization mechanism.

Its full specification is available here and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Calendar

The Shield UI CheckBox control extends standard checkbox elements on the page to deliver unified, enriched and easy to manipulate checkbox abstraction.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket CheckBox

The Shield UI Color Picker widget allows easy color selection from a variety of color schemes arranged in many flexible layouts.

Its full specifications are available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Color Picker

The Shield UI ComboBox widget extends a standard select element, by adding the ability for the user to specify a custom value, not present among the options for selection, flexible api for events, customization and layout.

Its full specifications are available on this page and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket ComboBox

The Shield UI ContextMenu widget is a floating menu that appears when the user right clicks with the mouse on a predefined set of elements.

Its full specifications are available on this page and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket ContextMenu

The Shield UI DataSource is a versatile data component that aims to simplify data retrieval and manipulation. It provides out-of-the-box binding to various data sources.

More information on how to get started with it can be seen here and its demos are located on this page.

Java Apache Wicket DataSource

The Shield UI DatePicker lightweight, fast and customizable. It allows intuitive selection of dates for an input field, via a popup calendar.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket DatePicker

The Shield UI DateTimePicker control allows the selection of both date and time values. This is handled through two separate popup selection widgets – one for the date and one for the time.

Its full specifications are available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket DateTimePicker

The Shield UI DropDown widget extends a standard select element, by adding flexible api for events, customization and layout. A useful addition in a web project, either in a simple scenario or paired with some of the other Shield UI controls.

Its full specifications are available on this page and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket DropDown

The Shield UI Editor is a flexible component for editing rich text within web browsers, which presents the users with a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" (WYSIWYG) editing area.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Editor

The Shield UI ListBox control allows flexible scrollable rendering of fully customizable content – either in a simple list or a sleek template.

You can review the complete api of the control here browse its demo section here.

Java Apache Wicket ListBox

The Shield UI LoadingPanel component allows the visualization of a loading hint to end users. You can use either one of the pre-loaded images, or include your own.

You can review the complete api of the control here browse its demo section here.

Java Apache Wicket LoadingPanel

The Shield UI MaskedTextBox control extends standard text input elements on the page to present a customized symbol entry mechanism with a wide range of available presets.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket MaskedTextBox

The Shield UI Menu widget is a navigational user interface element, comprised of a hierrarchy of choices. Its rich configuration options allow easy capturing of events like clicking and selecting the menu items.

Its full specifications are available on this page and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Menu

The Shield UI MonthYearPicker control is a variation of the datepicker control and allows selection of months or years. It has great appearance and is fully customizable.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket MonthYearPicker

The Shield UI NumericTextBox control is a digit-only input with extended capabilities, such as spin buttons, keyboard navigation, customizable API and appearance.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket NumericTextBox

The Shield UI Pager provides a pager indicator and navigator for content, which is spread over multiple pages. This may be a grid control, or custom content, such as images.

You can see the complete API of the control here and browse the demos section here.

Java Apache Wicket Pager

The Shield UI ProgressBar widget allows the visualization a process completion indication to the end user.

Its full specification is available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket ProgressBar

The Shield UI RadioButton control extends standard radio input elements on the page to deliver unified, enriched and easy to manipulate radio button abstraction.

Its full specification is available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket RadioButton

The Shield UI Rating control allows flexible selection of rating values and responsive visualization of user interaction and selection process.

Its full specification is available on this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Rating

The Shield UI Slider control allows the user to select from a range of values by moving a handle accross a track.

Its full specifications are available here, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Slider

The Shield UI SplitButton component component is a flexible button with an associated context menu, that can contain additional action items.

You can review the complete functionality of the control here and check its demo here.

Java Apache Wicket SplitButton

The Shield UI Splitter widget allows flexible and intuitive zoning of pages into resizable areas.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Splitter

The Shield UI Switch widget is a modern two-state indicator.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Switch

The Shield UI Tabs control which allows multiple documents or panels to be contained within a single window.

You can see the complete API of the control here and browse the demos section here.

Java Apache Wicket Tabs

The Shield UI TextBox control extends standard text input elements on the page to deliver unified, enriched and easy to manipulate textbox abstraction. Suitable for single use or integration with other Shield UI controls, such as Shield UI Grid.

You can see the complete API of the control here and browse the demos section here.

Java Apache Wicket TextBox

The Shield UI TimePicker control allows selection of time values. It is fully customizable and has an optimized and intuitive API.

Its full specification is available on this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket TimePicker

The Shield UI Timeline widget is a flexible component for displaying a list of events in chronological order.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Timeline

The Shield UI Tooltip control is a flexible tooltip component, which allows showing additional information for any element on the page.

Its full specification is available on this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Tooltip

The Shield UI TreeView widget is a rich user interface component for presenting hierarchical views of data.

Its full specifications are available on this page and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket TreeView

The Shield UI Upload widget is a powerful component that allows users to upload files to a server, providing the ability to track progress, abort and remove already uploaded files.

Its full specification is available on this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Upload

The Shield UI Window widget allows flexible windowed content rendering with a versatile set of options and futures, which are easy to setup and use.

Its full specifications are available in this page, and its demos can be seen here.

Java Apache Wicket Window

Easy setup and configuration

Enjoy Java development with no configuration required, other than the control itself. No web configuration files, just focus on the development and adjustment of the controls.

Server-side events

Combine client side performance with intuitive server side events to allow reliable handling of user actions.

Free to use

All features of the Wicket components are free to use. They are available for download on GitHub.

Mobile and browser support

Our components works on all browsers – desktop or mobile. You can use the same version of the control on any device and browser.